Personal Injury Attorney Tacoma

Finding a good injury attorney can be a tricky thing as it seems that everyone is willing to make a buck at your expense these days.  So how do you protect yourself and make sure you hire an attorney that will really work hard for you?  There are several tips which will be discussed to help you accomplish the task of hiring a trustworthy attorney.

The first thing is to do your research.  Ask friends who have used injury attorneys and search attorneys in your area on the internet and look at testimonials from clients.  Doing adequate research will help you to find the right attorney that is honest and who will work hard for your best interest.

The next thing to do is to find an attorney that is willing to work on a contingency basis.  What does this mean?  What this means is that an attorney will hear and work your case for free and will not expect payment unless they win.  This type of agreement really makes a lawyer more motivated to win the case as they don’t want all the hours they spend on the case to be for not.  This agreement is the best agreement to get into, but not many lawyers do this.  If you can’t find a firm that offers this type of service, make sure you research carefully what the firm does charge and be careful for percentage deals as opposed to set amounts when they win the case.    What we mean by this is that it is cheaper to pay a lawyer 20 thousand dollars to win your case then for them to get 5% of one million dollars.  Spend a lot of time going over the payment arrangement made with the lawyers you select and make sure you agree to terms and conditions that are in your best interest.  

The last thing to do when looking for an attorney is to find an attorney that you like and trust.  The only way this can be determined is by meeting with and shaking hands with a real live attorney.  Shun the phone line lawyers like the plague and get a lawyer that knows your face and can personalize your case and work hard for you.  By talking to your attorney and asking them questions, you will get a good idea of what their character is like and will be able to see if they share any similarities with you and your situation.  These tips will help you to find a valuable and trustworthy personal injury attorney Tacoma in your medical malpractice case.